Essential Oil Head Lice Treatment Blend
This effective combination is made in-house and has had a lot of success in combating lice outbreaks throughout the years!
Contains: Organic olive oil infused with essential oils of Rosemary, Lavender, Tea Tree, and Eucalyptus globulus.
1. Rub oil mixture into scalp. NOTE: if the oil is just dabbed onto the scalp without being immediately covered, the oil will act as a repellant and the lice may simply crawl off the head for a little while so it's important to cover for full efficacy.
2. Work oil though to the ends of the hair.
3. With longer hair, pile and fix on top of head.
4. Cover the head with a shower cap or plastic bag/plastic wrap. Leave covered for 2 hours.
5. Shampoo hair thoroughly to get rid of the dead lice and loosen the nits.
6. Blow dry the hair as an additional measure to help deter re-infestation.
7. Remove any remaining eggs with a nit comb, or cut out the hair that still has egg cases attached.
One treatment with this combination should remove most, if not all, head lice and their eggs. It is recommended to repeat the treatment 1 or 2 more times during the following 10 days to ensure there's no re-infestation. Also, the living area should be thoroughly cleaned, as should clothing, bedding, hair combs and brushes, stuffed animals, pillows, furniture, and anywhere else the person afflicted frequently lies or sits.
*Contact your public health department for further details regarding head lice infestation.