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Moonrise Herbs Blog — #herbalwisdomwednesday

Yarrow - Herbal Wisdom (Not) Wednesday

achillea millefolium herb blurb herbalism herbalwisdomwednesday herbs medicinal plants moonriseherbs plant medicine yarrow

Yarrow - Herbal Wisdom (Not) Wednesday

Better late than never!  Yarrow  (Achillea millefolium) is yet another extraordinary plant ally and arguably one of the most broadly useful in the medicinal sense. It can be found growing as a cultivated herb in the garden and as a roadside "weed", it's ability to thrive in challenging conditions no doubt contributing to the host of medicinal properties it contains! Read on for more about this incredible herb! Description: Achillea millefolium is native to most of the Northern Hemisphere and once established in a spot will typically continue to grow year after year.  "The leaves are alternate, 3-5 inches long, with many...

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Lovely Lavender - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

herbalism herbalwisdomwednesday herbblurb herbs lavender medicinal herbs moonriseherbs

Lovely Lavender - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

While there are tons of herbs out there with multiple uses, lavender (Lavendula spp.) is truly one of the most versatile. Not only is its fragrance and aromatic essence useful in cooking and aromatherapy, it's herbal therapeutic qualities make up quite the list. Lavender may be most widely know for its unique scent but its antibacterial, antimicrobial, expectorant, stress-relieving, antiseptic and analgesic properties are nothing short of fantastic. No summer survival (or first aid kit) would be complete without lavender.  It's essential oil is a standard for preventing and treating bug bites and other itchy conditions that often pop up when we...

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Licorice Root - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

glycyrrhiza glabra herbalwisdomwednesday licorice root moonriseherbs organic herbs

Licorice Root - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

Known as the Great Harmonizer or Soothing Harmonizer, Licorice root is quite singular in getting the herbs in numerous formulas to play nicely together.  It's flavor can be loved or loathed but it is definitely distinctive.  Let's learn more about lovely licorice! The Blurb: Licorice root is a demulcent, as it’s soothing and relieves inflammation and adds aid to mucous membranes. Licorice is a great herb to use for relieving heart burn or stomach ulcers. It is also used commonly for immune support and lung health. Licorice root helps improve production of healthy mucous while helping your body get rid...

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Garlic - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

allium sativum cooking herbs culinary herbs garlic herbalwisdomwednesday medicinal herbs moonriseherbs wild foods wild garlic

Garlic - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

Garlic might just be the most beloved flavoring herb in the world.  Diverse cultures have used its delicious flavor to enhance cuisine since time immemorial!  As possibly the world’s most popular culinary herb, let’s see what garlic offers in a medicinal way in this week’s #herbalwisdomwednesday  “The Blurb: Garlic is an amazing herb because it’s very easy to access and use without looking too far. There are many great options to introduce more of it into your diet…fresh, granulated, powdered, pickled...the list goes on! Garlic is a great herb to use for combating the common cold, or to raise your...

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Coltsfoot - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

coltsfoot eastern coltsfoot herbalism herbalwisdomwednesday herbs moonriseherbs Petasites spp. respiratory herbs tussilago farfara western coltsfoot

Coltsfoot - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

The rain may be a bit of downer after all the beautiful sun, but it is so nice to take a breath and smell the freshness that comes with it.  Not to mention our plant friends are just bursting with growth!  One in particular you may see by the roadsides right now is Coltsfoot!  This prolific set of herbs does so much for on to find out more! ColtsfootRespiratory Soother & Strengthener Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) also called Eastern Coltsfoot and it's counterpart most often seen here on the West Coast (Petasites spp.) are two different perennial species of the Asteraceae family with...

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