Moonrise Herbs Blog — #moonriseherbs
Two Classes Coming Right Up!
Just wanted to remind you that we have two amazing classes coming right up! WICCA 101: FUNDAMENTALS OF THEORY & PRACTICE with Braeden C. 13 Sundays, March 24th – June 16th from 5:30 – 7:00 pm, Cost: $195 for the full course An introduction to the philosophy and fundamental concepts of the Craft of the Wise, also known as Wicca. This course is intended for the student of ancient religions and Goddess-worship, as well as for those whose path may lead into a deeper Craft experience. For more info or to register, call Braeden at 970-987-2745 I KNOW MY...
Blessed Ostara! Happy Spring!
easter moonriseherbs mother earth ostara renew restore ritual spring equinox spring renewal
“The festival of the spring equinox speaks of freshness and youth, of excitement and endless possibilities. Nature begins to quicken and early flowers open to the warmth of the strengthening sun, bringing the colours of lemon and yellow into our lives on the wings of a March wind.” - Carole Carlton A beautiful and blessed Ostara/Spring Equinox to you all! At this special time, we welcome the return of the green, growing things of the Mother Earth and a strengthening of the light of the Sun. At the midpoint between the cold of winter and the warmth and fullness...
Wicca 101 Class Coming in Just 1 week!
divination elements god goddess magic magick moonriseclasses moonriseherbs ritual wicca wicca class
13 sundays, march 24 - june 16 5:30 - 7:00pm cost: $195 per person for the full series An introduction to the philosophy and fundamental concepts of the Craft of the Wise, also known as Wicca. This course is intended for the student of ancient religions and Goddess-worship, as well as for those whose path may lead into a deeper Craft experience. Topics explored will include: -Concepts of Deity (Goddess and God) -Wheel of the Year/Seasonal Celebrations -Ritual Practice and the Ethics of Magick -Techniques of Divination -And much more!! Braeden C. is an initiated Wiccan priest, teacher, and...
Updated Classes & Events at Moonrise!
arcata arcataplaza BEST cannabis herbalism herbs humboldt humboldthings moonriseclasses moonriseherbs SEXUAL HEALTH STRESS MANAGEMENT
MONTHLY TALKS ON CANNABIS presented by Pepper Hernandez 1st Tuesday of each month, February – May & September - December Cost: $45 (Special Public Discount when you sign up at Moonrise!) April 7th topic is CBD & Brain Health by Joshua Hanna of Humboldt CBD Check out for more info! I KNOW MY WAY HOME with Alexandra Seymour Tuesday, March 26th, 6:30 – 8:30pm, Cost: FREE Navigating the Inner Path of Love, Healing, and Forgiveness with Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (BEST). Join Alexandra, for a FREE presentation on BEST, the unique mind-body therapy that reunites the parts...
Free Fire Cider! - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday
firecider freefirecider herbalwisdomwednesday moonriseherbs traditionalremedies traditionnottrademark
For those not familiar with the Fire Cider controversy, the abbreviated version goes a bit like this: Fire Cider is a popular traditional herbal remedy freely shared, made, produced and sold by hundreds of herbalists across the world. The remedy has taken on many different amendments over time, somewhat like chicken soup. Many people have their favorite version, but the base consists of fresh garlic, onions, ginger, horseradish and chile peppers that sit in vinegar for the desired amount of time, are strained, and then a bit of something sweet is usually added at the end. The remedy is used to help...