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Cool It Now Cooling Summer Spritzer - #floweressencefriday

My goodness, this summer just got hot! With the sun at it's peak strength, we hope that you are all taking care of that precious skin you're in, sweet moonbeams! This #floweressencefriday we offer you a deliciously cooling spritzer blend to give you some relief during these balmy summertide days.
Cool It Now Cooling Flower Essence Spritzer
In a 4oz bottle blend
Equal Parts:
-Aloe Vera juice
-Filtered water
-Lavender Hydrosol (or you can use a strong tea infusion if the hydrosol isn't available)
-8 drops of Rescue Remedy (or Five Flower Formula)
-Between 2-5 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
-Between 5-8 drops of Rose Geranium Essential Oil
Blend all ingredients and shake thoroughly before each use. Works best and keeps longer if chilled in refrigerator or ice chest prior to use.
**Note: This is just one idea for a cooling spray. Feel free to mix and match and play with this recipe until you find what works for you. You can use Cucumber, Chamomile, Calendula, Eucalyptus, etc. in any number of combinations. We encourage you to play!

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