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Feeling Overwhelmed & Fearful?

#moonriseherbs #floweressencefriday #flourishformulas #fes #emotionalsupport #overwhelm #fearless #anxiety #panic #trauma #shock

In a time when so many of us feel overwhelmed with the state of the world and apprehension and even fear of what’s to come, flower essences may be just the energetic emotional support we need.  Two of the amazing FES Flourish Formula’s come straight to mind.

Fear-Less can be quite helpful for those with chronic anxiety as well as those acute moments (like a job interview, performance, travel, etc) that bring about panic, anxiousness and fearfulness.  Use 1-2 sprays internally or as a body mist to aid you in gaining composure and containment so you can face those scary moments as your most balanced self.  This formula contains Red Clover, Mountain Pride, California Valerian, Oregon Grape, Mimulus, Rock Rose, Green Rose and the essential oils of Bergamot, Lavender, Ylang ylang and Cistus.  Find out more here:

The Post-Trauma Stabilizer has been quite miraculous for those who have been through physical and emotional trauma, for those who have been left numbed by prolonged shock or perhaps feeling disassociation, despair or defeat.  It works to help us rebuild and renew our immune and emotional support systems so that we may recover in a healthy manner.  It contains Arnica, Bleeding Heart, Echinacea, Glassy Hyacinth, Green Cross Gentian, Fire Weed, Five-Flower Formula (same as Bach Rescue Remedy), and essential oils of Lavender, Yarrow & Hyssop.  Find out more here:

Naturally, we wish everyone could be in a place of abundant joy, healthily balanced emotions and stability, but if you’re not, and you feel like you need a little extra help, perhaps these formulas could be of great assistance in meeting the world and moving in your life with courage, confidence and gentle strength.  Also, if you have an animal or animals who are experiencing these imbalances, both of these formulas are safe and highly recommended for use with them.  Sometimes our fur-friends need some emotional help, too!

You can purchase them direct from FES or from our online store here:

Be well, moonbeams!

#moonriseherbs #floweressencefriday #flourishformulas #fes #emotionalsupport #overwhelm #fearless #anxiety #panic #trauma #shock

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