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Moonrise Herbs Blog — turmeric recipes

Turmeric - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

curcuma longa curcumin herbalism herbalwisdomwednesday herbs turmeric turmeric recipes

Turmeric - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

We hope this finds you all well & finding joy where you can!  Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has really gained momentum in the scientific and lay communities as one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory herbs available.  It's effectiveness appears to be comparable for many users to available pharmaceuticals and has been utilized in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries (at least) as a primary reducer of inflammation. Here is a bit more info about this remarkable herb if you would like to dig a bit deeper to see if you should add it to your herbal pharmacy. Turmeric is a pungent, warming carminative which enhances digestion. Turmeric increases...

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