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Stay Cool!

herbal popsicles summer recipes summer skin care

As we approach Memorial Day and the beginnings of summer, hopefully we'll see a few (or a lot depending on your locale) sunny days.  We've got some tasty treats, great products and recipes to help you beat the heat!


Herbal Popsicles

A tasty relatively-healthy treat for young and old alike!  Here are some delicious recipes to try:

Sweet Hibiscus Lemon Zinger Pops

400ml/~6oz water

1/2 cup Sweet Hibiscus Lemon Zinger dried tea

2 - 3 Tablespoons lemon juice

4 Tablespoons honey (if desired)

Optional: You can add in fruits or fruit juice if desired. Edible flowers look really pretty when added during the last step as well.


1. Make an infusion of the water & tea.

2. Once infusion is made and herbs strained out, add honey and lemon juice.

3. If desired, add fruit juice or add fruit or flowers to popsicle mold.

4. Add liquid equally into popsicle molds and pop in freezer until fully frozen.


Cool & Sweet Cucumber Spearmint Pops

400ml/~6oz water

1/2 cup Sweet Spearmint dried tea

2 Tablespoons lime juice

Thin-sliced cucumber rounds or diced cucumber bits

2-4 Tablespoons honey (if desired)

Optional: You can add in fresh mints during the last step if desired.


1. Make an infusion of the water & tea.

2. Once infusion is made and herbs strained out, add honey and lime juice.

3. Place thinly sliced cucumber (and mint leaves, if desired) in the popsicle molds.

4. Add liquid equally into popsicle molds and pop in freezer until fully frozen.


After-Sun Spray

4oz Witch Hazel extract

2 Tablespoons Aloe vera juice or gel

10 drops each Lavender and/or Peppermint essential oil

*If you dislike using essential oils, make a strong tea of lavender & peppermint herb and replace 1oz of the witch hazel with your strong tea. You can also include a tablespoon of your favorite skin oil if you like.


1. Blend everything in a 4oz spray bottle and use as needed after sun exposure.

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