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Moonrise Herbs Blog

Elderberries - Herb Blurb

Elderberries - Herb Blurb

With the particularly gnarly strain of flu that's going around, we wanted to remind you folks of our sweet herbal ally, Elderberry and how effective it can be in keeping our immune health in top shape. ElderberryA Deliciously Natural Immune Booster We hear a lot about Echinacea to boost our immune system, but there is a tastier way to defend ourselves from the endless waves of colds and flus that come about during the cooler seasons when many of us are stuck indoors. Thank you, Elderberry (Sambucus nigra)! Used in preserves, tinctures, wines and cordials by the indigenous peoples of...

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9 of Pentacles - Tarot & Tea

9 of Pentacles - Tarot & Tea

Good day, Moonbeams! Glad to have you back for this week’s Tarot & Tea. Our card for today is the prosperous Nine of Pentacles, drawn from the fantastical Tarot of a Moon Garden. The Nine of Pentacles is a classy card, indeed. The meaning of this card is a disciplined and refined approach to life. When we see this card in a reading, it can be an indication that financial prosperity is within our reach. With a dignified and self-reliant attitude, we are able to accomplish an affluent lifestyle. This is achieved through our personal work ethic and self-mastery. The...

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Hawthorn - Herb Blurb

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Hawthorn - Herb Blurb

In these challenging times of stress and worry, our hearts can take a lot of abuse. Emotionally, absolutely, but those stress hormones can take a big toll on the physical body of our hearts as well. Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) is a cardiac tonic that can do so much to protect this most vital organ.Description:A lovely dense tree or shrub that grows throughout the northern hemisphere, Hawthorn has small, sharp thorns, white or white/pink flowers and red berries. These tenacious plants can grow up to 25 feet and are native to North America, Europe, and Asia. In both the East and...

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Judgement - Tarot & Tea

Judgement - Tarot & Tea

Hello, bright and shining Moonbeams! Welcome to this week’s edition of Tarot & Tea with Jessika TuCrow. Drawn from the breathtaking and fantastical Shadowscapes Tarot, our card for this week is Judgment. This is a heavy card, but the message is here is about how to release that heaviness. Sometimes it becomes critical to really evaluate a situation honestly and make a tough call. Once we see things in the light of renewed clarity, it is possible to awaken to previously unperceived possibilities. The inevitability of transformation brings us renewed hope of a fresh start. Judgment represents a moment of...

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Fear-Less - Flower Essence Friday

flower essence

Fear-Less - Flower Essence Friday

We are so excited to be carrying the Flourish Formulas from Flower Essence Society! While there are 12 specific blends in all, each with it's own particular keynote, they are all formulated with a broad-based healing in mind for those who are new to flower essence healing or for those who need a more complex approach than a simple flower essence. All formulas contain botanicals that are organic, wild-harvested and Bio-Dynamic This week we are highlighting the formula "Fear-Less".   Are you or is someone you know challenged by fear, anxiety or panic?  The Fear-Less blend from the Flower Essence...

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